Following a rejected late entry to the Louth & District League and The Leinster Junior League from Kilmessan AFC. the then elected Chairman of the newly formed Club Vincent Brennan placed an ad in the Sports page of the Meath Chronicle in September 1980 which simply read ‘It is proposed to start a Soccer League in the Mid Meath area, for further details contact Vincent Brennan Kilmessan‘ and following a large interest The Meath & District League was formed by members of Kilmessan AFC initially with a membership of seven Clubs representing eight teams, Kilmessan who had two teams, along with Moynalvey, Skryne, Cosmos, Dunshaughlin, Robinstown, and Turmec.
For the second season, there was an increase to fifteen Clubs representing seventeen teams. For the first two seasons, the league was known as the Mid Meath League with all the Clubs cantered around a fifteen to twenty miles radius.
In 1982 through the great help and assistance of The Leinster Football Association Secretary Me George Briggs, The League was affiliated to the F.A.I. through the provincial association, the name was changed to the Meath & District League